Welcome to the new Electric Pick Ture Box!!
I've changed pretty much everything around here and if most of this blog is still a work in progress, I think I've managed to fill up most of the important stuff… Enough to open the shop again at least!
With this update I've decided to dedicate this space solely to my doodle work! From an online doodle portfolio to the new and awesome print and original shop (and this is what I'm really excited about)!! For you see, something amazing happened about a week ago!! After the last few years worth of looking for the absolute best local printer (I mean the absolute best!!)… I have finally found her!! Hong Kong is pretty much the world's printing capital and the options out here are pretty impressive but over the years I've done my run with offset and all other forms of digital printing! Most of them give amazing results but minimum runs or paper quality available are always limiting! So for the first time ever, and thanks to my new awesome printing wizard (truly my new best friend since last week), I will finally be able to enter the wonderful world of Giclée printing!! After running some test at the beginning of the week, I can now proudly say that I have never, ever ever, seen anything that comes even close to this quality of printing and paper!!! I honestly think some of the test runs I did look better than the originals!! So this is my little revolution… What it means for you is that I will have many new prints available, that I will regularly add more, that most of what I do from now on will be available and that they will all be of the absolute best quality imaginable by mankind!!! (I'm not joking these are absolutely gorgeous!!)
So yeah!! Welcome to my new print fest!!!
Unless otherwise clearly indicated, all prints available from now on will be of the highest quality Giclée printing on the finest fine art archival paper (with the usual, limited edition runs, hand signed and numbered)! Yup, it'll be a bit more pricy than the offset prints but not that bad! The final result however, unbelievable and well... A lot cheaper than an original!
I've also decided to have available any of the RED BOX pages as prints too!!! So if there's any one or few pages you'd like to get... Go crazy!!!
I've also decided to have available any of the RED BOX pages as prints too!!! So if there's any one or few pages you'd like to get... Go crazy!!!
Go check it out! Let me know what you think and click around… Some sections are still in progress but this whole space will be updated very regularly so come back once in a while!
As usual write to me with any question but do take a look at the FAQ… I've tried to explain as much as I could think of there!
Ok got to run!